Healthy Zucchini Dish
Simple and Delicious dish. Easy to make and is an healthy alternative to classic zucchini dishes. Ingredients:2 onions1/2 cup oil4-5 medium zucchini- grated4 eggs1/4 cup chopped fresh dillSalt to taste1-2 tsp Curcumall1 tsp curry powder1 garlic clove (optional Fry...
Healthy Pineapple Banana Smoothie
Get the Turmeric Benefits With Curcumall® Pineapple pairs well with banana. Bananas are the perfect smoothie ingredient. Their soft, creamy texture eliminates the need for a dairy (milk or yogurt) base. Add 1-2 tsp Curcumall and get all the health benefits of...
Easy Mediterranean Golden Rice
This flavorful and healthy Mediterranean rice is made with Curcumall, the liquid turmeric/curcumin and ginger extract and with candied ginger, dried cranberries and raisins. It will make any meal tastier and it’s so easy to make. Using Curcumall as a source of...
Indian Roasted Veggies with Curcumall
Ingredients: 2 onions1 garlic clove1 tsp curry powder2-3 medium zucchini2-3 carrots1 red bell pepper1" ginger diced3-4 candied ginger2Tbs cranberriesSalt and pepper to taste1-2 tsp Curcumall1/2 cup water Fry diced onion till transparent. Add diced garlic and...
Adding Curcumall® to our Daily Diet
Curcumall® is versatile and there are many ways we can include it in our diet. Curcumall increases the absorption and effectiveness of turmeric. The improved bioavailability makes turmeric's health benefits more effective. Here are some ideas of adding Curcumall...
To Reduce Inflammation and Never Wake Up Tired Again–Try Curcumall® Before Going to Bed
The Natural Turmeric-Ginger ComboTurmeric and Ginger are a natural way to energize the body, fight inflammation, improve sleep quality, relax, soothe pain, and improve health in many different ways. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) are widely...
Study: Curcumin against Coronavirus
The recent coronavirus COVID-19 that causes pneumonia pandemic with severe acute respiratory syndrome is now a major threat to global health. A recent study was planned to screen natural products from Ayurveda that have the potential to modulate host...
Yummy Yellow Risotto with Curcumall®
Easy Authentic Italian-style Rice Yellow risotto is prepared from a white round rice that is colored by Curcumall®. This yellow tasty rice recipe is traditional in Italy and can be served with vegetarian dishes, chicken dishes or grilled meats. Risotto is cooked...