Study: Turmeric may assist with brain problems
A new study published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy suggests that turmeric could be used to assist with neuro-degenerative diseases and help in repairing the brain following an injury.
In order to examine the effects of turmeric on brain cells, scientists first bathed the neural stem cells (NSCs), which are stem cells found within adult brains, in extracts of aromatic tumerone- a chemical found in turmeric. Amazingly, they observed in the brain, up to 80 percent more stem cell growth when compared to the control, which used no chemical.
Multiple studies have shown that turmeric has many health benefits, The new study suggests that turmeric can also help in cases of brain damage in humans.
The researchers of this study injected aromatic ar-turmerone (a chemical extract found in turmeric) into part of a rat’s brain and witnessed ” increased growth and proliferation of stem cells into neurons,” according to the study’s co-author Dr. Adele Ruger.
Researchers say that turmeric and specifically the ar-turmerone extracted from turmeric, may prevent microglia cells from activating. If activated, these cells may contribute to different neurological disorders.
Based on these findings, scientists suggest the spice turmeric could be used to effectively assist degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
“While several substances have been described to promote stem cell proliferation in the brain, fewer drugs additionally promote the differentiation of stem cells into neurons. The findings on aromatic turmerone take us one step closer to achieving this goal.”
With each new study discovering more of turmeric’s health benefits, it’s likely the research will advance towards fully understanding this spice’s incredible capabilities.